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Are you concerned about cancer?
The World Health Organisation says that one-third of cancers can be prevented. Another third can be effectively cured with early detection. Here are four major ways to lower the risk of developing some cancers.
Your Diet
Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Limit foods high in fat, sugar and salt. Avoid processed meat and limit consumption of red meat.
Physical Activity
Aim to get at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. Being physically active contributes to a healthy lifestyle which can reduce your risk of developing some types of cancer.
Quit Smoking
One in three of all cancers is related to smoking. Cut out the cigarettes and reduce the risk of cancer. Also endeavour to avoid second-hand smoke; it increases the risk of lung cancer and heart disease in non-smokers.
Some types of cancers can be found before they start. For example, colorectal and cervical cancer can be caught at their earliest and most treatable stages.